kettlebells at the gym



Up and Down

Complete as many reps in 60 seconds as you can of:– Deadlift 45#Then Complete as many reps in 60 seconds as you can of:&#821…


Alternate the following two exercises using Tabata interval timing for a total of 16 rounds of work. Score is the total number of …

5 rounds for time, rest 60 secs between rounds. 45# dumbbell Farmers Walk 25 feet Walking lunge 25 feet Post time to comments…

5 rounds for time 26# Kettlebell swings 15×65# Deadlift 10×5 Dips…

100 Dumbbell Thrusters. Post time to comments Try dumbbells between 10-15 pounds Perform Thruster at full range of motion, full sq…

Tabata Trio

Do Tabata sets of the following * Push-ups* Sit-ups* AirSquats Tabata Intervals – For 20 seconds do as many reps of the assi…

4 rounds for time Row 500m12 Pull-ups65# Deadlifts 12×15# Dumbbell Thrusters 12x…


Complete as many rounds of the following in 20 mins 5 pull-ups (sub body-rows)10 push-ups (sub bench push-ups)15 air squats Post c…


Do CFWU 3x without the pull-ups then the following. Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-5-5-5 reps Post loads and bodyweight to comments. If you…

people working out in a group fitness class


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