kettlebells at the gym



2 roundsBurgner Warm-up 8 minutes Snatch practice Workout 12.2Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possib…

Teams of 3Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 12 minutes:10 Sit-upsRun 80 feet15 air squatsRun 80 Feet…

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes: Power Snatch x2 Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 110 seconds:75 …

Behind the Neck Press 5-5-5-5-5 21-15-9 reps of:35 pound Renegade RowsL-pull-ups Post time to comments….

Zercher Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 100 seconds: 35 pound Dumbbell Front Squats, 12 re…

Hike 3 miles…

2-3 rounds: Power clean x2 + Power Jerk x2 (start at 95 and build each round to 135) Toes to bar x 2-3 Workout 13.4 Complete as ma…

Dumbbell Floor press Take 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Team Workout Row 2000m teams of 4…

Sumo DeadliftTake 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 11 minutes:5 Double under…

people working out in a group fitness class


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