Results For Category: "Knowledge"

Are you happy? 🙂

Are you happy? Are you where you want to be with your health? Are you where you want to be financially? Are you going through the …

Stay Hydrated During a Heat Wave

Let’s talk about how to hydrated and on track with nutrition and provide some resources if you are not prepared with some of the…

Maggie had a very specific goal.

Prepare herself for the Massachusetts Firefighter Physical Ability Test. Maggie recapped how she did on her test and found so much…

The number 1 reason athletes should Olympic Lift

Force generation: Force generation is essential when we’re looking at sports performance. Most if not all of the sporting a…

Help! I want to add more calories in my day.

Q: I’m finding it hard to increase my food intake throughout the day. I’m already eating 2,200 calories worth of food but want…

Monitoring and regulating C02 levels for your safety

Since small businesses were allowed to reopen this summer, the CFM staff has worked tirelessly to keep our community safe and enha…

Keto’s working great, but… Zzz

So your new ‘keto’ diet is working great, but now you’re having trouble sleeping. Those things can’t possi…

Weight loss. Are you your own worst enemy?

Have you ever cut back on what you’re eating for some time, really ‘tried to eat good’ and shed a few pounds to slide a litt…

#TransformationTuesday Take a step forward toward your #goals with our remote personalized coaching program. With your own persona…