kettlebells at the gym



Complete as many rounds of the following in 22 minutes as possible. Athlete 1: Run 200m Athlete 2: As many reps as possible Man Ma…

Spider Stretch 1 minute each sideRoadkill 1 minute each side 3 rounds 16″/12″ Box jumps, 5 reps 35 pound KB Swings, 7 …

Team Workout: Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 16 minutes: Row 250m Bear Crawl 80 feet 10 Sit-ups *Switch p…

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes: Hang Clean x3 Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 90 seconds:145 po…

Weight pull-ups 5-5-5-5-5 “J.T.” 21-15-9 reps of:Handstand push-upsRing dipsPush-ups Post time to comments. In honor o…

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Complete 3 rounds of the following: 135 pound Deadlift, 30 seconds135 pound Hang Power Clean, 30 seconds135 …

Rest // Stretch // Reset…

Front Squat 1 Rep Max “Cindy”Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:5 Pull Ups10 Push Ups15 Air Squats Reco…

Deadlift 1 Rep Max “Diane”21-15-9 reps of:225 pound DeadliftHandstand push-ups Post time to comments….

people working out in a group fitness class


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