Results For Category: "Knowledge"

2 things you can do to avoid ACL tears

The ACL is the most common ligament that gets torn in athletes, specifically younger athletes with 70% of these injuries being non…

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The 8 Benefits of Cooking for Yourself

It’s Coach Alessandra here to talk to you today about some benefits of cooking for yourself.  Yes, it seems like some g…

3 things you’re probably doing wrong when you snatch.

Today I want to talk about the three most prevalent problems that coaches see in the snatch. Those being hips rising too fast in t…

Holiday Survival Guide

Coach AB here to talk to you about some survival tips this holiday season. So as we know, Thanksgiving is this week, let’s t…

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Finding Some ME Time

A couple weeks ago, I posted an article in reaction to the news that the head coach of the Arizona Cardinals now allows his player…

7 reason why lifting weights after 50 is critical

Simply put, you’re stronger and can do more.Muscle tissue is dense in Mitochondria. Strong muscles increase our mitochondria…

Gut Check – 5 ways to get the most from your meals

If you want to get anything out of the food you’re eating you need to digest it properly. Take a whiff – Digestion starts …

The top 3 reasons women over 40 should strength train

It’s safe to say that most women over 40 who spent quality time building their careers, during their early years, are now lo…

Healthy Eating: Simple Ingredients

Every day each one of us is faced with the same challenges, “what should I eat?” We all have to eat, everyday no matter what, …