
Complete 5 rounds of max push-ups reps

Post reps to comments

Perform each set to failure
rest as much as needed between sets.

2 thoughts on “Push-ups”

  1. I did the following:

    Round 1: 2 regular 16 women’s
    Round 2: 1 regular 11 women’s
    Round 3: 1 regular 11 women’s
    Round 4: 1 regular 9 women’s
    Round 5: 1 regular 9 women’s

  2. I did the following:

    Round 1: 2 regular 16 women’s
    Round 2: 1 regular 11 women’s
    Round 3: 1 regular 11 women’s
    Round 4: 1 regular 9 women’s
    Round 5: 1 regular 9 women’s

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