Results For Category: "wod"

2-3 rounds: Power clean x2 + Power Jerk x2 (start at 95 and build each round to 135) Toes to bar x 2-3 Workout 13.4 Complete as ma…

Dumbbell Floor press Take 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Team Workout Row 2000m teams of 4…

Sumo DeadliftTake 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 11 minutes:5 Double under…

Behind the Neck pressTake 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Tabata Mash-up – 8 Rounds of the followingRower for CalsPush-up…

Zercher SquatTake 15 minutes to find a 7 rep max Complete 3 rounds of the following Pull-ups, 20 secondsSit-ups, 30 secondsSquats,…

Team Workout:In 25 minutes athlete’s one and two execute at many Alternating single unders and Push-ups as possible while at…

2-3 rounds: Power snatch x1 + Overhead Squats x 3-5 Chest to bar pull-ups x 2-3 15.2 From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squat…

Team Workout: Complete the following for time 50-50-40-40-30-30-20-20-10-10 AirDyne calories…

Weight pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 5 rounds for time12 Pull-ups12 DipsRun 200 meters…