The number 1 reason athletes should Olympic Lift

Force generation: Force generation is essential when we’re looking at sports performance. Most if not all of the sporting activities involve creating force from the ground up.


Examples include: Running, jumping, and throwing.


We can develop this in-game force production by accelerating a load (barbell or similar) up against gravity and creating force through the ground. 


Olympic weightlifting allows us to do this in a controlled and incremental environment and develop that force production progressively and safely.


When we’re programming these lifts for athletes, we must remember we’re not trying to make them better at weightlifting. We’re trying to make them better at their sport.


With this in mind, we have several variations we can use to extract the maximum benefit.


We can eliminate mobility requirements, like being deep in the squat or overhead position, with a few simple modifications.

1: Pulls. 

With a pull, we’re able to load up the bar, and we’re not worrying too much about that catch position. We’re just focusing on getting that triple extension as aggressive as possible.


2: Power variations.

Power variations keep the athlete above parallel. This dramatically simplifies the lift, again allowing the athlete to focus on force development. 


All of the above highlights the importance of have a coach that understands the athlete’s individual needs and creates an environment that allows them to developed their abilities. 


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