For eight intervals, squat for twenty seconds and rest for thirty before starting again.
Report least number of squats for any of the eight intervals, compare to best Tabata (20/10) squat score, and post to comments.
For eight intervals, squat for twenty seconds and rest for thirty before starting again.
Report least number of squats for any of the eight intervals, compare to best Tabata (20/10) squat score, and post to comments.
Got the hang of it at the end.
2 rounds CFWU (-squats) x 12 reps
14 minutes cardio
Gym less crowded at 12:45 Wed than at 12:30 Mon–maybe the New Year’s rush is over!
Got the hang of it at the end.
2 rounds CFWU (-squats) x 12 reps
14 minutes cardio
Gym less crowded at 12:45 Wed than at 12:30 Mon–maybe the New Year’s rush is over!