Leanne Joe · May 9, 2007 21-15-9 reps of: Dumbbell press Dumbbell thrustersDipsPush-ups Post time to comments.
Ann May 11, 2007 at 8:57 am Used 12lb dumbells for first 2 rounds then 10lbs. Did bench to bench for dips. Time 17:55.
Ann May 11, 2007 at 8:57 am Used 12lb dumbells for first 2 rounds then 10lbs. Did bench to bench for dips. Time 17:55.
Used 12lb dumbells for first 2 rounds then 10lbs. Did bench to bench for dips. Time 17:55.
Used 12lb dumbells for first 2 rounds then 10lbs. Did bench to bench for dips. Time 17:55.