Run .25 miles
20 squats
15 pull-ups
30 push-ups
15 pull-ups
20 squats
Run .25 miles

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compare to 3/9/07

4 thoughts on “”

  1. It took me 13:17 to finish. I did body-rows rather than pull-ups. I also did all regular push-ups (10, then 5, 5, 6, and 4). I also was interrupted by someone who needed the bar I was under doing my pushups, so I moved, and wasted a few seconds. Didn’t feel as bad as last time!!! Although I was dying.

  2. It took me 13:17 to finish. I did body-rows rather than pull-ups. I also did all regular push-ups (10, then 5, 5, 6, and 4). I also was interrupted by someone who needed the bar I was under doing my pushups, so I moved, and wasted a few seconds. Didn’t feel as bad as last time!!! Although I was dying.

  3. 11:45. I, too, had some issues with someone needing the bar I was using! I did all body-rows, plus my pushups were at the bar instead of regular pushups.

  4. 11:45. I, too, had some issues with someone needing the bar I was using! I did all body-rows, plus my pushups were at the bar instead of regular pushups.

people working out in a group fitness class

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