Total cook time – < 20 minutesIMG 0465 1
1lb Grassfed Ground Beef
1 medium size Summer Squash
1/2 a head of steamed cauliflower
Salsa of choice
White Pepper
Fresh Ground Pepper
Sea salt

  1. Cut cauliflower into florets and slice summer squash into half moons.
  2. Steam cauliflower
  3. Brown the ground beef in pan
  4. Once the beef is semi cooked through, mix in your salsa of choice and sliced summer squash, stir in and let summer squash and beef cook in the salsa.
  5. Mix in the steamed cauliflower.
  6. Season with fresh ground pepper, sea salt, cumin, and white pepper to preferred taste.
  7. Serve as is or over some rice.
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