100 Pull-ups
Do these on the gravatron.
Add one extra plate than you normally use for pull-ups.
(If you normally use 85 # use 100#.)
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Don’t do any (or only a few) pull-ups in the warm-up.
100 Pull-ups
Do these on the gravatron.
Add one extra plate than you normally use for pull-ups.
(If you normally use 85 # use 100#.)
Post time to comments.
Don’t do any (or only a few) pull-ups in the warm-up.
100#, 7:50
I feel like a tyrannosaurus (unable to use my arms)
100#, 7:50
I feel like a tyrannosaurus (unable to use my arms)
I did this at home.
100 push-ups, 7:13
I did 10 regular ones to start and then 90 women’s. The last 20 were awful, had to do them 5 at a time.
I did this at home.
100 push-ups, 7:13
I did 10 regular ones to start and then 90 women’s. The last 20 were awful, had to do them 5 at a time.