A1. Suitcase Deadlifts: 6 x 5 each side, rest 35 sec
A2. Dumbbell Z-press 6 x 5 each side, rest 35 sec
Complete 2 rounds of the following:
Rower 20 sec on/3 mins off
Push-press 20 sec on/3 mins off
AirDyne 20 sec on/3 mins off
A1. Suitcase Deadlifts: 6 x 5 each side, rest 35 sec
A2. Dumbbell Z-press 6 x 5 each side, rest 35 sec
Complete 2 rounds of the following:
Rower 20 sec on/3 mins off
Push-press 20 sec on/3 mins off
AirDyne 20 sec on/3 mins off