9/11 Tribute

For Time:
2001m Row or 2001m Run (1.25 miles)
11 Box Jumps (30″ / 24″)
11 Thrusters (125# / 85#)
11 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups
11 Power Cleans (170# / 120#)
11 HSPUs
11 KB Swings (2 pood / 1.5 pood)
11 Toes to Bar
11 Deadlifts (170# / 120#)
11 Push Jerks (110# / 75#)
2001m Row  or 2001m Run (1.25 miles)

Athletes may start with Row and end with Run, or start with Run and end with Row.

people working out in a group fitness class

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