5 – 5 – X

20-16-12-8-4 reps of:
Box jump
Anterior Reach

Compare to Wednesday, May 04, 2011

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img 9262

3 thoughts on “”

  1. 185×5, 215×5, 240×5 (bar slipped off my back on the last one cause looking up/not pulling bar into back, argh!)

    4:59 with 36 inch (?) box

  2. BS practice 45 x 3
    BS: 55×5, 65×5, 75 fail
    right knee started to hurt on 2nd set and couldn’t do 3rd set.

    40-32-24-16-8 reps of:
    Box step-ups (12 inch)
    20-16-12-8-4 reps of:
    Anterior Reach


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